
 At Brandgoat 84, we do what we are passionate about, and that’s to develop brands and help businesses grow. We want to be the GOAT (Greatest of all time) in the Marketing industry, is in our DNA.


Logo Design

Logo Design

A logo is much more than an image, it is an important foundation for the branding of your company. It can be described as the face of a company and quite often, it’s the first thing that potential customers will notice about your business. A well-designed logo is an easy way to be memorable and communicate professionalism and, trustworthiness. Let the GOAT design your logo!

Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are a set of rules about how to present your brand across channels and assets, helping your business build credibility and recognition as you grow. Guidelines include visual elements such as logo usage, color palette, typography, as well as overall look & feel. If you want your brand to be a GOAT, you need to get your Brand Guidelines ASAP, and remember that design is a necessary investment!

UX Designer

Web Design

Ok, it’s 2022, your business needs an online presence, as simple as that. With a User-Centered approach and brand guidelines, we design websites and apps that will give your business an edge in a highly competitive internet landscape. Traffic-growing websites have evolved alongside the customer journey, and so will yours. Our process is fast, efficient, strategic, and budget-friendly. That’s why we are the GOAT, contact us today to get started!

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‘Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.’

Paul Rand


We add value to your business through strategy and design.

BrandGoat 84



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Rookie Package


Discovery Session

Logo Design

Logo Color Palette

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All-Star Package


Discovery Session

Logo Design

Logo Color Palette


Brand Graphic Elements

Brand Guidelines


GOAt Package


Discovery Session

Logo Design

Logo Color Palette


Brand Graphic Elements

Brand Guidelines

Corporate Brand Stationery

Social Media Profiles

Website Design


At BrandGoat 84, we believe that kindness can change the world. That’s why we donate 5% of our revenues to organizations that advocate for underrepresented communities and the youth.

BrandGoat 84 Team